Its 12 o'çlock and the alarm bells are ringing and fast actions are needed before its to late to protect our countries , cities and cultural Heritage against the rising sea-level and floods caused by climate change. Even nowadays climate refugees are acknowledged. With the expertise over the years of the Dutch well-known water - management we can deal with one meter higher sea-level at the end of this century. But many other countries are in need for a better water system. To catch the attention of this danger we are working to an unique water&arts project about ART in collaboration with contruction companies and water - managements. With the focus to the many floods and the old Construction of the MOSE Dam in Venice. We are looking for partnerships and sponsoring.

Ellen: ' At my first visit to Venice in 2018, taking a boat trip, I noticed near to the central station lines on the wall with marks how high the waters could rise and what's going to happen without interference.The lines were kept in my subconscious and I took some photo’s of sea-weeds near by the central station. The lines of threat of sinking and the very dark green sea-weeds along the quay impressed me. In Fall that year I started with my pastel-paintings  series 'The waters of Venice'. In 2019 there was a huge tide in the city and I received  via social media many remarks that my artworks responding to the high water level in Venice. And this became an eye-opener and  the start of the Water&Arts project focus Venice.  I managed to catch the attention of UNESCO in Paris,  Yaël Thomas of the cultural sector stated: 'We acknowledge the quality of your project, which gives special emphasis to environmental issues through art'. And saying that my art project is very interesting !! And even La Direction Artistique Fondation Cartier shared their opinion'.


It is well-known that the Netherlands is a country far below sea-level and over the ages it has featured a highly controlled water-management to protect our landscapes and historical cities. In Amsterdam, touristic like Venice, the water circulation is controlled and the waters in the famous canals are of a rather good quality and full of fishing birds. The Italian government has 20 years ago commissioned the building of the MOSE dam in the Venice lagoon but for many years the constructions have been capped. After years of disuse in Autumn 2019 when the flood came along the city was 'drowning'. But what will it be like towards the end of this century, a rising sea level with one or worse perhaps two meters..? A second Atlantis.....Ellen Grael was present during  the International dicussion draft organized by Europan Nostra and the European Heritage Hub community to put Venice in the Heart of Culture and Climate Action launched at 28 September 2023. 


European Heritage Hub have put Venice in the Heart of Climate and Culture actions

For having the best results to conduct the Water& Arts project is to create a great accessibility in an inviting exhibition space in Venice. Having an open communication to introduce our skills via ART and Water-  expertise. An unique project via an interdisciplinary exhibition. With the MOSE DAM in mind. Gerhard Winters and Ellen Grael are open for having collaborations and sponsorships who are interested to be part in the project. Dealing with Topics like climate change and rising Sea Level and protecting historical cities by constructing barriers. The involved parties are going to be well announced and public visible via banners, posters and other promotional tools.

Interested parties >TEAM WAP-V inspired by the artworks of Ellen Grael with her  'The waters of Venice' series, wood designer, master carpenter and Installation artist Rogier Marius, photographer and film maker Paul Enkelaar, senior Engineering and Geohydrology advisor Cruxbv Gerhard Winters and Compuplan Knowledge Institute CKI -Water management by the director George van der Meulen.


2021: Interview by Luca Curci in THE ROOM