Ellen Grael

Technique: Mixed media on paper: Pastelpaintings / Education: Art Academy Minerva, the Netherlands


2003 / 2007 Solo - show, permanent exhibitions at my Studio at Grael Art Gallery 

2003 / 2007 / 25 Group exhibitions Grael Art Gallery & Studio

2007 / Solo -show Museum Geelvinck Amsterdam

2008 / Solo -show Galerie George - Cent, Amsterdam

2009 / Group exhibition city hall Maastricht

2013 / Open Studio Days, Amsterdam Oost

2014 / Open Studio Days, Amsterdam Oost

2014 / Group exhibition CBK. Amsterdam

2014 / Group exhibition Weefhuis, Zaanse Schans

2015 / Group exhibition K38, Roden

2016 / Group exhibition Amsterdam Art Rooms, Beauty 2

2016 / Solo- showpresentation of new drawings 'Sounds of Nature' at Amsterdam Art Rooms,

2017 / internet presentation, Art Management Gallerique, Chicago

2017 / Group exhibition international, it's Liquid Group, Anima Mundi Art Festival, Palazzo Ca Zanardi, Venice.

2017 / Group exhibition, it's Liquid Group, Alchemic Body, Jorge Jurado Gallery, Bogotà

2018/Group exhibtion, Flower Art Museum, Gallery sous- Terre, Aalsmeer

2018 /Art FairWesteinderplassen / Sous - Terre, Aalsmeer

2018 / Group exhibition 'l Segnalati' at the Velli Palazzo at Rome,Italy

2018 / Group exhibition, artshow at the Castrone Palace at Palermo, Italy

2019 /ArtBoxProjectat Zurich.Digital - presentation, The waters of Venice.

2019 /ArtBoxProjectat Miami.Digital - presentation, Soundsof Nature series

2020 / Group exhibition, Galerie Sonia Monti, Paris

2021 /Group exhibition, Future Landscapes by Its liquid. MyGreen Art Project, Venice,

2021 /Group exhibition Still Spring with 12 Dutch female artist, Amsterdam

2022 / Presentation and promotion by LagunaArt Gallery, Mission Viejo, California

2022 / Exhibition at YXIE Manoir des Arts in Villeblevin, curated by Kees Wieringa, France.

2022 / ArtBoxProject at Venice, presentation The waters of Venice series

2023 / Group exhibition 'Synergie 10 Dutch female artist, Your Gallery, Rotterdam

2023 / Digital presentation Ladies drawing club, 'Incorrigible club', Madrid

2023 / Group exhibition VRIJ PALEIS , Being an Artits portraits, Amsterdam

2024 /WATERS & ArtS Project, interdisciplinary ArtShow 'the waters of Venice', Italy

2024 / Digital presentation at Times Square New York City in Manhattan by Plogix Gallery

2024 / Digital presentation at Crete by World of Crete


International prize Raffaellofor my artistic merit. Curators Russo, Italy


2021 / 2022 UNESCO, Culture Sector in Paris

2021 / by ArtTour International, New York. Artist of the week. Featuring my Green Art Project in Venice. Global Earth Day, Create4peace, artists fora green planet.

2023 / Water&Arts project Venice, Italy

Financial support

2017 / MOCCA - Amsterdam, art- education, VMBO schools

2018 / 2019 Fonds Kwadraat Amsterdam

2021 / Fonds Kwadraat A'dam



2003 / 2007 / Direction of Grael Art Gallery and Studio

2014 / Direction of two group exhibition Weefhuis Zaandijk

2015 / Direction of DrawingsK38 Roden, groupexhibition

2017 /Directions of workshops for artists, art education, at the Centre of Art, CBKAmsterdam, students of VMBO schools, Amsterdam


2008 / Giant Peek Show, children's Art Trail, Primary school de Koelebösch, Bemelen. Inspired by the Pop - Art movement

2010 / Cooperation project between primary school children and disabled children, OBS St Gerlachus, Houthem and the Adelante institute. Paintings with garbage and plaster on the theme of the environment. Inspired by the Pop – Art movement

2010 / Workshop with adolescents, ROC de Mondriaan the Haque, on the theme of the Human Rights, commission by NJCM at Leiden. Combine Paintings ( inspired by Rauschenberg ) and moving pictures on DVD

2013 / bliksemstage at CBK Amsterdam with group 8 of the Frankendaelschool and the Aldoende, exhibition Ogenschouw

2015 / workshops OBS Aldoende / Amsterdam

2017 / workshop in collaboration with schools and artists in the Amsterdam cultural center CBK



2016 /  Interview by Kris van der Hart, 'Sounds of Nature, Amsterdam Art Room'.

2016 / Parool newspaper, article about Amsterdam Art Rooms Beauty 2 with famous artists like Rob Scholte and Jan Fabre.

2018 / Dedicated interview by Luca Curci director of It's Liquid Group, International Art Platform, Italy

2018 /  Circle Quartely Art review magazine, Winter issue.

2018 /  Circle Quartely Art review magazine, Spring issue

2018 / Art Contemporary International Magazine, March / April, curators Russo, Italy

2018 / Art Contemporary International Magazine, May / June, curators Russo, Italy     

2018 / Exclusive publication event, 'l Segnalati', Rome, curators Russo, Italy

2018 / Publication exhibition I Segnalati at One Arty, Paris 

2018 / Publication exhibition, Manifesta 12, Art Show and publication event by Musa Int. Art Space at Palermo, One arty Minute,com, Paris

2018 / Artshow and publication event, release of the Art cataloque ; WE CONTEMPORARY 2018", dedicated to Manifesta 12 in Palermo, Italy. By Musa Int Art Space

2018 / Presentation of the Art cataloque WE CONTEMPORARY 2018 in KIEV.

2019 / Publication in the bi-monthly Art magazine Issue nr 12 Creativpaper, UK

2019 / Publication Headliner, Art Productions NYC based in Manhattan.

2019 / Interview local newspaper Amsterdam East, Dwarskrant issue 208

2019 / Publicationl in La Biennale di Venezia, World of Art magazine 8th edition, Ebook and printed version

2019 / Publication with an interview in Oost on line digital newspaper, East Amsterdam

2019 / In Spotlight, Interview by Raoul Locht

2020 / Interview CdeL`Art Art Magazine, Sonia Monti Galerie, Paris.

2020 / Publication Creativpaper, UK

2020 / Art Pieces, Interview by Jurjen K. van der Hoek, free-lance journalist, connected with Musem Bélvedère in Heerenveen, about my Being an Artist serie.

2021 / Featured by ArtTour International, New York, Art Magazine

2021 / Interview by New York ArtNews

2021 / Publication in Ever Emerging Mag, special Dutch edition

2021 / Bruxelles Art Vue, Limitless Nature edition

2023 / Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, Parallel worlds

2024 / Art Diamond edition by Italian publisher Russo