Pastel paintings, mixed media on paper

At very young age I started to draw and in my teens having private lessons from different qualified artists at their studios before going to the Art Academy Minerva. Nature is important to me making sketches and snapshots of flowers, trees and plants using those to create a personal impression of the natural beauty and not a realistic image. For example, I like the photographic, interesting, abstract effects of the wind when it moves branches and stalks. With the combination of washed ink ( Indian ink diluted with water in various degrees ), charcoal and pastels I created an unique style with picturesque results.  I invented this method myself during Art School and had my final exams with this technique. Besides  old Italian masters my artworks are influenced by 16th century ink wash masters like Hasegawa Tòhaku and Sesshù Tòyò with their overwhelming landscapes and the famous French 18th century pastelmasters like Rosalba Carriera and Quentin de la Tour.

Actual news

27 TILL 30 SEPTEMBER. World of Crete in Greece. Digital presentation of 3 artworks out of the series 'The water of Venice'. More information will follow.

27 June digitale presentation at New York city Times Square in Manhattan by Plogix Gallery with 3 artworks in The Sounds of Nature series.

Venice in the Heart of climate and culture actions 2024

Its 12 o'clock the alarm bells are ringing and fast actions are needed against the rising sea-level and climate change!! Even nowadays climate refugees are acknowledged.

We are working to an unique interdiciplinary artshow in Venice in collaboration with ART and constructions companies, Water - management . With the focus to the MOSE Dam and the annual floods. Organized by Europa Nostra at 28 september was the launching  of the European Heritage Community Hub in Venice and to put Venice in the Heart of Culture and Climate actions!

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Contact details 


Please feel free to contact me directly for more information about the art, prices and services I offer. Click on sign  Gallery for terms and conditions. I am always ready to answer your questions.